Thing You'd Like To Know

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


So recently, I got back into Homestuck. Back into, you ask? Yes, I used to secretly be in love with it. After finding fellow homestuck-ers from my school, I let myself express my feelings.
Once you read it, it's chaotic. about... 16 (more now, since it keeps updating) characters at LEAST, who die so many times, it's something you get used to.
It's very entertaining as well.
It is actually funny too, and perverted and just makes me feel fulfilled inside. It's filled the void in me. (inside joke considering my patrol troll is the Heir of Void)
See there he is now! He takes the arrow to the knee joke above and beyond because he IS the best there can be.
See that guy with the nubby horns? He's Karkat. He's the little bitch who needs Anger Management.
See the white kid? He's Dave. I'm madly in love with him. I always was. Here in Florida, theres this intense thunderstorm. The lightning is cracking like a whip, and being home alone just makes my mind go paranoid. Every dark corner I reach in my house, I expect the lighting to show, and a killer's face to show, and then the crack at my scream while I'm being murdered severely.
I'd end up like Kanaya in that picture. I guess I'm having a lonely day, nothing to blog about. This was something my friend, Topher requested. I hope I've enlightened you with Homestuck pictures, buddy.
Apparently Topher was talking to Mr. D (the awesome teacher who listens to classic and metal rock) about vinyl records while everyone goes, "What's that?" So you know, we're all surrounded by retards who think songs about sex and money and bitches are good. I mean, I'll admit, the tunes are SEVERELY catchy, but honestly? The deepest those songs are, are about how deep and wide this bitch's vagina must be. (Excuse my language)
I just want to give a hug to the active rockstars (the REAL ones) and thank them for not leaving me in a world of stupidity. Ironic, because I'm listening to mainstream rap right now. But you know, only for the rhythm. It's catchy, and if you can't fight the current, just flow with it.
Is it weird I have a file called Homestuck with a whole bunch of Homestuck photos and screenshots? Nope. Not at all.
On that note, I think I'm just going to stop boring you guys. Goodnight C:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When Panicking, Blog. To Waste MORE Time.

You know, I'm just blogging. When I should be looking up music sheets so I don't fail piano this year.
Hmmm... I should play this song! No it's too hard. I've been American-ized, I can't fulfill my Asian duties, and be Asian. I am disappointed.
I'm just panicking, right now. You know, looking up the same songs over and over again while ignoring my other homework. How wonderful my life is, today.
You're not interested in my failure, I understand. This is just a filler blog, so I can feel better about myself for accomplishing at least one thing today.
Enjoy you're wonderfully wasted time, while I go panic some more. Good day. - S

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games? Oh you mean Battle Royale!

I'm just saying this so people can know that Suzanne Collins wasn't the first person in the world to think of the Government being cruel and upturning our society into chaos.

There was a book from a while ago, called Battle Royale. Funny, they even had a movie about it. My close friend Mason ranted all night about this a few months ago. He even showed us a scene in the area where a girl seduces someone, then kills him. Where the sun doesn't shine. Quite disturbing, in my point of view; and I'm a girl.

You're crotch should start hurting after seeing this picture.

ANYWAYS for those who don't know, Battle Royale, "is a 1999 Japanese novel written by Koushun Takami. The story tells of schoolchildren who are forced to fight each other to the death." - Wikipedia. That's because their government is stupid and stuff and overbearing and controlling and is taking over the world so like, duh, why not just grab highschoolers and kill them. How pleasant, "HEY KIDS, GUESS WHAT YOUR GOING TO SCHOOL NOT KNOWING WHETHER OR NOT YOUR GOING TO BE KIDNAPPED AND DIE, HERES A 20 FOR YOUR LUNCH." I'm just kidding, I'd probably feed my kids considering most school lunches make me die. Except for the ones in China, we had awesome food there...

The Hunger Games is about how two kids from a district get picked to be put into an arena to fight because their government got bored and wanted to control people. You know, just to summarize for you before you go into a coma of tissues and chocolate if you're like me. Kidding, once again. I was on a road trip to New Jersey while reading that book. I was crying in the car, 1. I was finally in New Jersey after about, 3 years? It keeps feeling like last christmas... 3 times. 2, The Hunger Games got me pouring Niagara Falls down my face.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. WHY KATNISS, WHY. Speaking of Katniss, I saw the movie today. When the Reaping happened, I was crying. I suddenly see my eyes being blurred with tears and then I was dying. Also, when Rue died, I cried so hard. Half my face was wet. The other was from my friend's shirt, after the longest hug I've ever gave her. I quite enjoyed it.

I've got nothing else to say, but the fact that you really need to get your facts straight up. I mean, I bet like, half of you cried your little hearts out and poured your wallets out for the Kony 2012 video. The other half was like, "LOL WTF IS THIS SHIT." and carried on with your lives. I was on the "I would do something but I'm too lazy and poor to give a crap... But I'll pretend to." side. I mean, I thought we got over it when the guy who made the video was arrested for public urination and masturbation?

What about the crap about Obama being from another place other than the U.S.? "YES AMERICA, WE JUST CROWNED POWER OVER A TERRORIST FROM THE AFRICAS TO KILL US, WATCHA GONNA DO BOUT IT." To be honest, who gives a crap? Sure, it might have broken the constitution, but is he lighting our money on fire? Don't answer that. He's just cleaning up after Bush...

So anyways, this was originally to tell you Hunger Games wasn't the first original idea of the government taking your kids and making them kill each other. An Asian did the first version. Not surprising.

Any original Amy Winehouse fans? I'm seeing a repetition on the famous person's death thing. MJ died, (R.I.P.) and suddenly everyone loves him again. Amy Winehouse dies, everyones bawling their eyes out. I bet 74% of you barely knew of her existence. Neither did I. I was just like, "Who's that." Then that chick, Whitney Houston goes and dies too. (R.I.P.) EVERYONE is bawling. I knew of their existence, I just didn't embrace it. Recently I've been looking up Amy Winehouse (I know, I'm late) and I realize I know a lot of her songs. I was just too much of a person to look them up. But seriously, you guys probably didn't even know these people. You were too busy putting your face in make up. Why suddenly care like you even knew them?

Don't mind me, subconsciously yelling at people I know. Friends? Please. You should win a grammy for having the most wild out-of-there guess. I like jumping from topic to topic.

I love finding pictures on Facebook. Facebook is good enough for pictures just as Google. As long as my point was driven across. Hunger Games fans, don't hate me for clarifying a lot of oblivious naive, "ignorant" comments about your beloved book. I love it too. Battle Royale fans, don't' hate me for not teaming up with you completely, while screaming "YOU BITCHES SCREWED OVER BATTLE ROYALE. HELL AWAITS YOU."

If anyone has an idea of who this is, whats going on, wheres this from, you get a free cookie; and my undying love.

(Disclaimer, Pictures aren't mine)


Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. 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Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading. Cows like reading books. Books like being about Chairs. Chairs like having Cows on them, reading.

Now count how many times I said "Cow".